Get creative with us.

There are lots of ways to get involved with Epic Arts, whether you’re looking to display your art, teach a class on your area of expertise, or volunteer!


Visiting Artists

Clay is awesome, but our studio likes to involve other creative disciplines, too! We host occasional classes taught by local artists & mentors on topics ranging from poetry to collage to coffee tasting. Depending on availability, guest-taught classes may take place in the clay studio, the art gallery next door, or our green space, which features 4 picnic tables and a stage.

If you’re interested in teaching a class for the community (or would like to propose a collaboration), contact Epic Clay with a proposed class description as well as your general availability.

Donate or Sponsor

Go shopping for us! We have an ongoing Amazon wishlist of our current needs—you can support us by shipping (or dropping off) any of those items at 2 South 14th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102.

Sponsor a kid’s clay class, or contribute to our Summer Art Camp scholarship fund—contact LaCherish Thompson for information on how to give — or learn how to support CHWC’s mission to revitalize neighborhoods here.

Help Around the Studio

Epic Arts Clay Studio has a rotating list of family-friendly volunteer activities, which often involve washing clay off any given surface!

Contact the clay studio to help out.


Host Art at Art Walks

We’re always looking for local businesses and community groups who want to pair up creatively with artists and provide interactive stops on the Art Walk, highlighting different aspects of our community.

Email for more information. We’re excited to work with you!

Put the Art in Art Walks

Artists, cooks, musicians, makers, inventors, storytellers, potters & place-makers…

Contact if you’re interested in performing, exhibiting work, selling hand-made goods, or otherwise participating in the Art Walk.

Artists are assigned a location along the Art Walk route, either outside or inside a participating business—such as Kinship Cafe or Chicago’s!